Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Earth Hour

Last weekend was Earth Hour and over a billion people took part world wide. Do you know what Earth Hour is? Read the article below and find out. Then tell us what you think in the comments section.

WELL over a billion people turned off their lights for Earth Hour on Saturday night, in 150 nations and territories around the world, making it the largest voluntary event of its kind.

Governments and citizens in 6525 cities, towns and municipalities joined in - about 24 per cent more than the previous peak last year, according to the organisers, the environment group WWF.
''It's been five years since the first Earth Hour in 2007, and the extraordinary growth this year shows hope for action for the planet is not diminishing - instead it's growing,'' Earth Hour's executive director, Andy Ridley, said.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/environment/earth-hour/onenight-stand-more-than-a-billion-switch-off-20120401-1w6m9.html#ixzz1rdD6YkRd

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