Saturday, November 28, 2009


Well Mock weekend is here and to all FCE and Proficiency students taking the exams...GOOD LUCK!!! This will give you a good idea of what is expected of you at the end of the year and how much you need to study in order to be successful.
Don't worry it's relatively painless!
I'm looking forward to reading your coments about the exams.


george dimitriadis said...

well they were not that difficult!we might have passed one section!the 5hours were worse:)

ThAnOSsss said...

for the first time i think it was a little ddificult but i think i have passed.....apart from that.....i lost my basketball training!!!!:( :P

Anastasia said...

No worries Thano you'll be back at your basketball training next Saturday!!!!

Well George I'm glad you found it ok... we'll see soon enough.