Dimitra Bourou
A big congratulations to the whole class of 2008 - 2009 for successfully obtaining the Certificate of Proficiency!!!! Well Done to all of you!
Bourou Dimitra [ECPE / CPE B]
Chalatsis Apostolos [ECPE / CPE B]
Georgiadou Souzana [ECPE]
Giannakidis Aris [ECPE / CPE C]
Karakosta Christina [ECPE]
Koveou Glykeria [ECPE / CPE C]
Makridis Jim [ECPE]
Michaloglou Alkmini [ECPE / CPE C]
Papadopoulou Anastasia [ECPE]
Sidiropoulos Theo [ECPE / CPE C]
u proficiency kids are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes we are amazing! lol!!!
My babies all passed!!!Congratulations to you all. All my yelling finally paid off!! Don't forget us...
mpravo se olous sas!! ante k kali sinexeia!(xwris alla agglika :D:D)
Wow, finally we got it! What a relief i have to say :P
I am so happy to see photos of my classmates, and i 'd like to thank all my teachers cuz i know i am a lunatic and i might have been a bit (only a bit) of a pain in the...
hahhaaha well you see ms magounaki i DID post at the blog eventually!
love and kisses , alkmini
Good to finally see you here Alkmini...and no you were not a pain .....anywhere you were just fun and hard working.. a great combination!!!
I just wonder...would you say the same thing if i had not passed?
hahahahaha!!!! Just kidding!
Thank you for ms Anna, it was really nice seeing you again yesterday!
what a luck omg i have lot of years to complete my english omg.
congratulation to you all i hope the best but plz help us :) :D
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